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Diocesan Convention

Diocesan Convention

The 44th Diocesan Convention will be held online Saturday, November 9, 2024. This year's theme is: Believing, Belonging, Beloved.

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Our Bishop

Meet Bishop Lucinda and see her latest messages to the diocese.

Storied Pilgrimage With Race

You are Invited

This series is a holy offering of video interviews, education materials, action items, and room for reflection.

Ministerios Latinos


Esta sección es para los que buscan recursos disponibles en español. Se aumentarán los recursos a menudo, cuando estén traducidos.

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Upcoming Events

2024 Budget Hearing

Tuesday, Oct 15, 2024, 6:30 PM
The Budget Hearing will be held on Zoom. Habrá interpretación en español disponible. Click to Join

2024 Constitutions and Canons Hearing

Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024, 6:30 PM
The Constitutions and Canons Hearing will be held on Zoom. Click to Join

2024 Resolutions Hearing

Thursday, Oct 17, 2024, 6:30 PM
The Resolutions Hearing will be held on Zoom. Habrá interpretación en español disponible. Click to Join

Presiding Bishop's Investiture Watch Party

Saturday, Nov 02, 2024, 6:30 AM
The Diocese will be hosting an Episcopal Pajama Watch Party at the Church of the Good Shepherd to watch Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe's Investiture Ceremony live-streamed from New York! The festivities start at 6:30 am and refreshments will be pr...

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Lay Preaching Course Application Open for 2025 English Language Cohort

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Park Fire Disaster Resilience Aid

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Real Episcopal Magazine Summer 2024

In this issue: A Message from Bishop Lucinda Spring Renewal 2024 Thank You Donors! The Bishop's Appeal Santa Maria Urban Ministry Celebrates 40 Years The West Coast Collaborative Calvary, Santa Cruz - Benefiting their ...
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81st General Convention, Friday the 28th

The 81st General Convention closed today in Louisville, Kentucky. According to President Ayala Harris of the House of Deputies, the Deputies had improved their proper pronunciation of the city as somewhere between Luhvul and Looavul . Please k...
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81st General Convention, Thursday the 27th

Another busy day, and another evening session. Here are the highlights: Work continued in both houses throughout the day and included adoption of the proposed 2025-2027 churchwide budget . The House of Deputies elected the Rev. Steve Panke...
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